Founded by Lucija Simec, we thrive to work with brands in the beauty, fashion, wellness and lifestyle sectors, as well as with cosmetic and aesthetic clinics.

Working with dreamy brands by elevating their social presence and helping them bring their dreams to reality is why we love what we do.

I believe in following your dreams and reaching as far as you can, to get to where you want to be.

'Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.'

the quote i live by

Oprah Winfrey






coffee              hand, confidence              other

Medium aromatic robust robusta roast grounds extra medium crema beans redeye milk rich espresso decaffeinated rich chicory. Grounds turkish, sweet organic crema beans plunger pot barista sugar, con panna.

My way of doing business always leads back to these non negotiable key values that I choose to live by


key values

in one

in the

Elle Crane


Vesna Ponorac

Head of Content Creation

Lucija Šimec


meet the Team